Want to thank everybody that has been supporting me throe a difficult time....and thank you all for the welcome back..s...
I know I said I would be back sooner but things just were not going that way.
This time its for real...yahoo!!
Ok want to share some necklaces that I have made in the moments of sanity ( hmm wonder...what that is) and time possibility...wow heavy sentence here..
Below you will find pictures of necklaces made out of old broken jewelry and polymer clay as well as fabric. I did ad here and there some new things too.
I am looking forward to your responses my friends..plz as always be honest in your opinion. Its helps me so much in my work, I learn from your comments, really!!
Ohh and yes I did get to lend a camera for now...
Did make something special for a very generous person and it should be going in the mail tomorrow. I did not make a picture of it since I did not want to give away what it is..lol. I hope he likes it..oops..did I say to much..lol.
Any way, this is not going to be a long post because I am of to the studio creating some more.
Hope you all have a wonderful and great day!!